Welcome to Washington DC Guide

Washington DC offers some of the best attractions in the world for history, civics, and the arts. It’s the perfect gathering place for families, military groups, educational tours, and every kind of large and small group travel. Here are some of its highlights, all better experienced with the leadership of a knowledgeable tour guide. After you’ve seen the benefits of DC travel with an expert guide, call us to connect to the perfect tour guide for you. (See contact info at right).

The National Mall
The grand lawn that stretches from the US Capitol on the east to the Lincoln Memorial on the west, draws more than twenty million visitors every year. Your guide will lead you from one famous memorial to the next, offering trivia and fascinating stories behind each one. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Korean War Veterans Memorial both offer several aspects – figures of soldiers are included in both, for instance. You’ll recognize the haunting black wall of Vietnam’s memorial, but your guide will help it come to life with the stories of its inscribed names. The Korean Memorial wall becomes a treasure hunt as you search the images of various military jobs. The World War II Memorial is one of the newest and a favorite, with its Freedom Wall, decorative wreaths, and refreshing fountain.

A favorite way to tour the monuments and memorials is at night when they are brilliantly lit for an Illuminations Tour. Your guide may include in this the FDR and Jefferson memorials nearby and perhaps the 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon – also beautifully illuminated after dark.

The Smithsonian
If museums make your list – and they should – you’ll probably find yourself at the Smithsonian. With nine museums and a zoo, this institution accounts for several of DC’s most fascinating attractions. With free admission to all, you can choose which ones to visit after arriving in the city. Use the expertise of your guide to choose the best for the size and interests of your group. There is none so spacious as The Air and Space Museum, but it’s also the most popular. American History has exciting exhibits on fashion, furnishings, and popular culture, plus the original Star Spangled Banner. The Museum of the American Indian is one of the most unique – in its exterior and its collections. And the Museum of Natural History is always a thrill for children and adults.

The White House
It can be difficult to secure a tour of this most famous American residence, but you should definitely find a way to include it in your trip. The official tour includes several luxurious rooms – the oval-shaped Blue Room, for instance, and the East Room, which is familiar as the setting for White House announcements. Anyone can see the White House Visitors Center at any time – no reservations or admittance required. It includes exhibits and a video about the White House and the First Families that have called it home. Your guide can lead you from there to the best views of the White House plus the perfect photo opportunities, an unforgettable part of student tours or any DC experience.

Other favorite tours in DC include Mt. Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery. A guide is a must for both of these expansive locations filled with interesting sights. It’s difficult to see all of Arlington in a short time. A guide can help lead you to the highlights you most want to see. Similarly, there is so much more to Mt. Vernon than you’ll notice at face value.

This is just the beginning of all DC has to offer. Let us help you find the perfect guide for your family or group travel tour. It makes all the difference in a memorable experience. Contact us today.